
Payment terms

Payment by bank transfer
Many Belgian and French customers wish to buy from us, but do not have a bank card. No problem, here is our bank account number at BANQUE POPULAIRE DU NORD
FR76 1350 7001 1212 2458 9210 556 code bic CCBPFRPPLIL 

and also the account number at the CIC bank
FR76 3002 7172 4600 0744 0470 122 code BIC CMCIFRPP

All you have to do is make the payment online or directly from your bank.
Payment by PAYPAL LIVE
our PAYPAL ADDRESS for payment via PAYPAL is as follows
Payment by credit card
For the security of your payments we use “CIC Payment”, the bank card payment solution developed by our CIC bank.
With this system, your card payment is made directly on the secure server of our bank CIC on our behalf. At no time will your card number be communicated to us. Exchanges are encrypted and secured using the SSL 3 (Secure Socket Layer) protocol on the Internet, a protocol which has become a global standard and which can be used by the main browsers.